vendredi 15 février 2013


Oh I cannot believe I have been absent from this blog for sooo long ..... Well I am back and I even intend to start another blog in parallel to this one which will be an only BLYTHE related blog and I hope you will all visit me there.....

jeudi 6 septembre 2012

A week with ........AGATHA (thursday)

Today , so far we have only been to school and here are the pictures we took

Then we went to the charity shop 

quote of the week

I have decided to share with you some inspiring quotes every thursday and I shall start with Gandhi since I just wrote about him

 "You must not lose faith in humanity.
Humanity is an ocean;
if a few drops of the ocean are dirty,
the ocean does not become dirty."


The life of a great man

Last weekend I watched the dvd of the life of Mahatma Gandhi and I was really amazed at the wisdom of the man. He lived his life following his ideals and never looked back. It is really inspiring


mercredi 5 septembre 2012

A week with ........AGATHA (Wednesday)

Today I had been asked by my lovely friend Ivy to do a demonstration of french food in a shop called Montgomery's....  Masako from Japan and Olga from Poland were also demonstrating their food

Here is my salade nicoise

With  the girls.....


At cafe Nero having a birthday celebration drink with Ivy

 Then we went for a walk by the river

  And this evening at the friendship group
it is a group where you meet people from different origins who live in our town 

Thinking hard with Eileen...

We won the first prize for the Quiz


     In front of various shield made by the local secondary schools of our town

 Making new friends


mardi 4 septembre 2012

A week with ........AGATHA ( tuesday)

Tuesday the 4th of September

Back to school
First the postman brought us a new friend and Agatha is welcoming her among us

With my friend Helen the school librarian

 Checking out some of the french ressources
At the supermarket

At the chemist

 And finally at the park